
Welcome to www.libromedievalhispanico.net, the website of the Hispanic Medieval Book Network. From the manuscript to the digital age

The Hispanic Medieval Book Network. From the manuscript to the digital age [Red del Libro Medieval Hispánico. Del manuscrito a la era digital.] is a Network of Excellence (FFI2015-69029-REDT) composed by an interdisciplinary group of researchers.

Philologists, historians, art historians, palaeographers, linguists, experts in librarianship, codicology, bookbinding, book history and digital humanities, from different Spanish universities and supported by the MINECO and AGAUR, have joined forces to create a working group to explore the complex issues surrounding Hispanic medieval books and have designed this collaborative space for discussion and research.

Available in Spanish at this moment, you will find here detailed information about the project and its reserch team; related projects and publications; a collection of tools available on the Internet; a free-access image gallery; and up-to-date news. Also there is a Contact form to address us, and the Legal Notice detailing the terms of use and how to quote the website. Likewise the site offers direct access to the social networks in which we are communicating with anyone who is interested.

Lastly, we feature our Collaborative Glossary, a codicological database that seeks to focus on concepts specific to the world of the Hispanic medieval book; although these terms may be included in the current specialized vocabularies and dictionaries, they often present problems when applied to real situations. Moreover our glossary responds to elements that have not been considered until now. Still under construction, this glossary is being enriched with definitions proposed by the members of the network, which are discussed and defined until a consensus is achieved on descriptors. Each term is accompanied by the relevant definition(s) and images, appropriate bibliography and their corresponding forms in other languages.

We invite you to browse www.libromedievalhispanico.net.

Nice journey!