
Catalogue of medieval works printed in Spanish (1475-1601): new research

R + D + i Project of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness FFI2016-75396-P 2016-2019.
Main researcher: María Jesús Lacarra (University of Zaragoza).

The main objective of this project is to lay the foundations for studying the dissemination, evolution, transformation and reception of medieval literature in the Golden Age. The focus is on the success of some genres to the detriment of others (poetry, didactics, historical and fictional prose, compared to the chanson de geste or the works of the 'mester de clerecía'). The ability of some printers to cater to the tastes of the recipients and know how to renovate old creations will also be discussed, as well as the different meanings that medieval works take in new contexts in which they are being read, and their ability to become models for new series, their coexistence in the publishing scene with "modern" texts, and so on.